Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ink particles can not penetrate the capsule

Bacteria are generally simple structures. Bacterial cells

missing membrane core. Therefore, bacteria

described as prokaryotes,

to-value and to-nucleus from the Greek word for the kernel. Despite its simplicity, bacteria

is a huge range of metabolic capabilities, and can be found in some

the most extreme conditions on Earth. Only a small minority

bacteria cause disease. There are three basic shapes that bacterial cells adopt. They

or round, rod or spiral shape. Round bacteria called kokamy


singular: cocci) and rod

form of bacteria known as bacilli (

singular: bacillus). "Sticks" term

means bacilliform bacteria should not be confused with

genus of bacteria known as "Bacillus >> <<. Form

bacterial cells is of fundamental importance in the classification and identification of bacteria

. Although bacteria are divided into three main forms

they discover the amazing variety of forms, when viewed

microscope. Bacteria may be conveniently divided into two

additional groups based on their ability to retain crystal violet

-iodine dye complex when cells are treated with acetone or alcohol

. This reaction is called the gram reaction

named after Christian Gram, who developed the staining protocol

1884. This may seem very arbitrary basis on which its built

classification system. This reaction, however, shows a fundamental

differences in the structure of bacteria. Electron microscopy shows that

Gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria have fundamentally different structures

associated with the composition of the cell wall,

among other things. Flagellates are responsible for motility of pathogenic bacteria >> << and may play a role in producing disease. Gram-negative bacteria

pathogens can be put in a fine hair called

fimbriy (single: fringe) it helps to observe the surface of the body. Saws can connect two bacterial cells together: sex drunk required to transfer

certain plasmids between bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria have additional structures. They exchanged

genetic material in the process of communication, including cell be joined

sex drunk: tube-like structures through which DNA

passed. The surface of Gram-negative cells also seen in the manner

similar to the hair structure, called

fimbriy (some also microbiologists

call these blades, confusing them with sex drunk). They play an important role in adhesion >> << and may play a central role in virulence. If the microbe is

cause an infection in the first place should add to its surface. Some bacteria are enclosed in a capsule. This protects

, bacteria, even within phagocytes

helping to prevent cells from death. Encapsulated bacteria grow as a "smooth" colonies, while colonies of bacteria

who lost their capsules appear rough. Rough colonies do not usually cause disease. Encapsulated bacteria do

. not succumb to intracellular killing as easily as bacteria, have no capsule

Strains of Streptococcus

pnuemoniae, which lack capsule

do not cause disease. All bacteria that cause meningitis are

encapsulation. Suspension of bacteria in the ink is an easy way

showing capsule. Ink particles can not penetrate the capsule >> << Material and encapsulated cells appears to be an aura around them. This >>

<< a reaction capsule swelling reaction. In response to this "reaction swelling of capsules, bacterial cells in resuspendiruyut

serum, which has antibodies against the capsule. This causes >> << capsule swells, and it can be easily visualized

suspension in ink. Ink particles can not penetrate the capsule, which

This looks like a halo around the bacterial cells. Some bacteria produce slime to help them stay on the surface. Mucus is

production of several types of pathogenic microbes, and are usually composed of polysaccharides. Mucus production

mutans Streptococcus allows it

hold on the tooth strattera surface, where it helps form plaque, a leading

eventually to tooth decay. "Koahulazonehativnyh 'staphylococci live on the skin >> << and some strains form mucus, which allows them to adhere to plastic. These bacteria cause infections associated with implanted medical devices << plastic. >> A few species of bacteria have the ability to produce high resistance

structure, known as endospory (or simply spores). They confront some

dangerous environments and protection from exposure to heat, radiation and drying. Endospory form within (hence

endo-) special vegetative cells known as sporangia (sporangia only). Diseases caused by bacteria include sporonosni

botulism (Clostridium botulinum)

gas gangrene (Clostridium perfringens

gram positive bacteria classification


tetanus (Clostridium tetanus) and acute food poisoning (Clostridium perfringens, again ) These bacteria are "anaerobic". Aerobic bacteria sporoobrazuyuschyy can also cause disease. Anthrax is caused by

anthrax bacillus. Bacillus Cereus causes two types

food poisoning. . << >>

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